Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ovarian Cyst Treatment For Painful Or Bleeding Cysts

There is ovarian cyst treatment available for those that experience pain or discomfort due to ovarian cysts. These are fluid filled sacs that occur in the ovaries. Most times they are not painful and you may not even know you have them. However sometimes ovarian cysts can be painful, bleeding or rupture.

An ovarian cyst can be seen using an ultrasound, as they will appear as bubbles. The bubble can form when a follicle doesn't rupture so the egg cannot be released. Most times these very small eruptions are found in the ovaries when follicles are forming. The vast majority have nothing to do with disease and are benign. Most of them will occur when women are able to have children.

It is possible to treat ovarian cysts that have symptoms at home by using pain relievers. Also stopping any strenuous activity can decrease the chance of you rupturing one. An ultrasound can be used to monitor your problem as a small percentage of women with these unwanted intruders may have a cancerous version.

It is possible to prevent cysts from forming by taking oral contraceptives. This can also reduce the size of any currently formed ones. If you are suffering from extreme pain due to this problem then your doctor may prescribe prescription strength medication, though most women will use over the counter medication such as ibuprofen and Tylenol.

For some women the only option to treat ovarian cysts is through surgery, as they are not finding any relief from other methods. Laproscopic surgery is a common way to identify and remove cysts. A laparotomy is an invasive surgery in which the abdomen wall needs to be cut to remove the infected area. Besides this you may be experiencing pain due to ovarian torsion as the ovarian cyst may twist. This is very painful and emergency surgery is needed to correct the problem.

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