Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What Happens If You Leave Your UTI Untreated

Many women consider leaving their urinary tract infection untreated. This is an extremely dangerous thing to do because the bacteria will spread, and the consequences could be fatal. Under no circumstance should you even contemplate leaving your UTI untreated.

Women that want to leave their bladder infection untreated fall into a couple of categories. The first group are those that have no health insurance and can't afford to go and see their doctor.

Whether you can afford it or not, when you have a vaginal infection you must go and see your doctor for a correct diagnosis. A vaginal infection needs the correct treatment as soon as possible. It doesn't matter if it's a drug treatment or a natural treatment, the bacteria in your vagina must be removed or it will just spread.

The second group of women who consider leaving their UTI untreated are those that don't want to use antibiotics. More women get infections after taking antibiotics because they have an effect on their intestinal health and their immune systems. For these women it is still advisable to see your doctor for a correct diagnosis, and then you can treat your infection naturally.

The outcome of an untreated UTI can be kidney damage, and in a worse case scenario, death. If the bacteria infects your kidneys it can be fatal, and it has been well documented over the years that kidney damage can lead to death.

Under no circumstance should you leave your infection untreated. You must start treating it as soon as possible. No one needs to suffer longer than necessary with an infection that can be cured in as little as 12 hours.

Yeast Infection Natural Treatment - Proven Remedies to End Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are a very common infection that mainly only women have to deal with. However, it is great to hear that there are yeast infection natural treatments that are safe, effective and simple to use.

However, the old saying holds true, that preventing something before it happens is the best way to deal with it. This holds true for yeast infections as well. Here are some ideas to toss around on how you can prevent this infection from developing in your body.

Cotton if your friend. Especially when it comes to your undergarments. Even though those slinkly little silk items make you feel so good, they tend to trap air and moisture, this can be a breeding ground for yeast. Also if you wear pantyhose, make sure you wear some cotton panties underneath them.

Scented bath products are not your friend. I know they smell really good and make your skin so soft, but scented lotions in the bath can irritate your skin. These irritations could eventually lead to an infection. Stick to unscented or mild bath and beauty products, especially if they are going to come in contact with your vagina.

If you do start to notice any signs of a yeast infection, don't be embarrassed about it, and contact a health care professional for a proper diagnosis. Whether you go with a treatment that is prescribed from your doctor, an over the counter medication or a yeast infection natural treatment that can be found around your home, your infection can be easily treated if you now how.

Ovarian Cyst Treatment For Painful Or Bleeding Cysts

There is ovarian cyst treatment available for those that experience pain or discomfort due to ovarian cysts. These are fluid filled sacs that occur in the ovaries. Most times they are not painful and you may not even know you have them. However sometimes ovarian cysts can be painful, bleeding or rupture.

An ovarian cyst can be seen using an ultrasound, as they will appear as bubbles. The bubble can form when a follicle doesn't rupture so the egg cannot be released. Most times these very small eruptions are found in the ovaries when follicles are forming. The vast majority have nothing to do with disease and are benign. Most of them will occur when women are able to have children.

It is possible to treat ovarian cysts that have symptoms at home by using pain relievers. Also stopping any strenuous activity can decrease the chance of you rupturing one. An ultrasound can be used to monitor your problem as a small percentage of women with these unwanted intruders may have a cancerous version.

It is possible to prevent cysts from forming by taking oral contraceptives. This can also reduce the size of any currently formed ones. If you are suffering from extreme pain due to this problem then your doctor may prescribe prescription strength medication, though most women will use over the counter medication such as ibuprofen and Tylenol.

For some women the only option to treat ovarian cysts is through surgery, as they are not finding any relief from other methods. Laproscopic surgery is a common way to identify and remove cysts. A laparotomy is an invasive surgery in which the abdomen wall needs to be cut to remove the infected area. Besides this you may be experiencing pain due to ovarian torsion as the ovarian cyst may twist. This is very painful and emergency surgery is needed to correct the problem.

Do Herbal Menopause Treatments Really Work?

Cessation of menstrual cycles is known as menopause and every woman has to go through this phase. Due to the hormonal changes in the body many symptoms like hot flushes, heel pains, excessive sweating and anger can come up during those time. In most cases treatment is required for the symptoms to subside. They can be severe and disturb the person from performing daily activities. Mood fluctuations are terrible and you can never predict the behavior of women at that time.

Menopausal symptoms should be treated at the earliest. There are many natural products available nowadays which we control your symptoms safely and effectively. Pills and tablets are not a solution for post menopausal syndrome as they have side effects. The main task is finding out the right remedy from the long list of medicines. Menopol is the best solution for your menopause complaints. It is a combination of natural herbs and other healthy ingredients. Women all over the world have been using this product and obtained tremendous relief in their complaints. You can read the reviews and testimonials send by them to clarify your doubts.

It is a micro nutra product and you can easily order your pack without the prescription of a doctor. Even though there are many products like Hot Flash Freedom, Pelvorin and Olivias in the market, none of these medicines could produce effective changes in the symptoms of the patient. Menopol is highly in demand in the society because of its guaranteed results. Herbal products give wonderful results and do not possess any side effects. Regular use of this medicine will help to control your hot flushes, burning sensation and excessive sweating. It also acts as a nutritional supplement and covers the deficiency levels present in the body. The plus point of this medicine is that it stabilizes your drastic mood changes and do not harm your sexual life.

Natural medicines are the best choice of treatment available to control your post menopausal syndrome. You can easily put a check on your illness using menopol and lead a normal life.

Natural Cure For Yeast Infection - How to Treat Yeast Infection Safely For Permanent Relief

Women who suffer from vaginal yeast infection often dread about talking to their health experts and discussing the many possible medications for their infection. That is why, we normally see or hear of various natural cure for yeast infection that are somehow proven safe and effective to treat this uncomfortable medical issue. Here are some cures you can consider doing at home to ease the pain of your suffering from the terrible symptoms.

Yogurt. It doesn't matter whether it is non-fat, whole fat, or low fat. But just make sure you buy the plain yogurt. That is, no added sugar, no flavouring, or no fruit content. Also, check that the yogurt contains active cultures. You can see it listed on the container.

How do you use the yogurt? Simply make it as a suppository. You need tampons to go with the yogurt. Dip the tampon into the yogurt before inserting it into your vagina. Leave it in place for about an hour or so or until the pain starts to soothe.

Apple Cider Vinegar. This type of vinegar is ideal for curing yeast infection. Simply douche your vagina with apple cider vinegar about twice a day or when you feel like its necessary. But be sure you do not directly douche the vinegar into the infected area as this could give you a burning sensation. Instead, for 3 tablespoons of vinegar, mix it with a quart of water. Although it is safe to douche daily, it's not a good idea to do this for more than a week as this could dry your already infected area.

There are different natural cure for yeast infection you can consider. With the ingredients found right at your very own fridge, you need not worry too much when you start to notice you are having yeast infections.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Oral Yeast Infection Symptoms - Get Cure Fast

Oral yeast infection is also known as Thrush. Oral yeast infection typically infects the mouth, gums, tongue and inner cheeks. Early identification and understanding of oral yeast infection symptoms is crucial in order to avoid having to suffer from long term oral yeast infection. Oral yeast infection symptoms can be treated quite easily. Needless to say, an early identification and treatment is required in this case as well. In some cases infection may spread to other parts of the body, affecting lungs and kidneys as well. Worse still, you might infect other unsuspecting people as well.

In order to overcome these symptoms, one of the first things a person needs to understand is what oral yeast infection is and also what form can be expected to appear. First off, it is necessary to understand that the fungus that causes yeast infection is quite normal and will not affect a person when they are in good health.

Yeast is present in every human being and is kept under control by the beneficial bacteria, which is present in our digestive system. This balance of good fungus can also be upset by certain antibiotics and also when the immune system is weakened. Cheese like patches, white patches on your gums, swelling, pain etc are common oral yeast infection symptoms. Other types of oral yeast infections besides thrush are a white-coated tongue which is usually present with bad breath.

Presence of cheesy material in your mouth cavity indicates that treatment without any kind of delay is required. Such infections, if not treated in time, can affect the patient's esophagus as too their stomach. Understanding the various kinds of risk factors can help you identify oral yeast infection symptoms at an early stage. Toddlers are quite prone to developing oral yeast infection symptoms. Senior citizens too can develop this condition; especially those who use dentures.

Candida yeast infection symptoms can often last for a long time. Neglect in getting a proper treatment can cause symptoms to reappear. Some simple steps like changing your diet can help you get rid of the symptoms forever.

Ovarian Cysts Removal Isn't Necessary - How to Get Rid of Your Cysts Without Surgery

Ovarian cysts are tiny yet extremely painful, fluid filled sacs that develop on their own time. Women of all ages can get them, but if you are in your childbearing years, then you are more prone to get them. They cause unruly amounts of pain, so women can't even sit and feel relief. No matter what you do, the pain won't seem to escape you. You feel like a prisoner trapped inside of your own body. All you want to do is sleep because that is the only time of the day in which you feel no pain.

Your doctor suggests that the best option for you is surgery. However, this is a terrifying option for you. You don't want to go and get surgery done and have to recover from it. You can't take that much time off of work. Also, there is no way that you could afford to pay for the procedure. The idea of surgery doesn't fit well for you and with your doctor not giving you any other suggestions, you feel a little lost. You just want to get rid of your ovarian cysts without surgery and in a more natural setting.

Thankfully, ovarian cysts removal isn't necessary when you have some great alternative options to choose from. If you want to ease some of that pain immediately, then heat is the best treatment you could use. Heat works to soothe cramping, relieve pain and tension and also promote circulation to the area. This circulation works to assist in the healing process of the cyst. No medication required. Drinking herbal chamomile tea is also a great natural method of treatment for your ovarian cysts.

Many women suffer with ovarian cysts at some point in their lives. If you decide to pursue the traditional route of treatment be prepared to take medications or undergo surgery. There are natural ways to shrink and even destroy the cyst. Find out from this helpful site what you can be doing at home to remedy this condition.

How to Control Vaginal Odor

It is normal for a woman's vagina to produce a light scent. This is due to the acidic and alkaline levels that are in a woman. Depending upon your cycle, your scent may get stronger as you approach your period. Although it gets a bit more intense, it is still normal. However, sometimes that scent can become so overwhelming that it makes you feel sick to your stomach. That is when you know that something is not right.

Most women get bad vaginal odor from an infection known as bacterial vaginosis. A lot of women can develop this infection without even knowing it. Wiping in the wrong direction and getting bacteria inside of you is the most popular way. When you wipe back to front, fecal matter can get caught on the tissue and make it's way near your vagina. This is a great place for bacteria to call their home. Women can also get this infection from swimming pools or hot tubs. You need to be more aware of what you are doing because there are so many things out there that can cause an infection. If you already have the problem of bad vaginal odor and foul discharge, then there is a way to control it.

Wearing feminine pads can control the odor so no one can smell it. That way you can go out in public without living in fear that someone might catch a whiff of your scent. Also, using feminine wipes are a great way to get some refreshment throughout your day. Then can make you feel cleaner and more confident.

Unpleasant vaginal discharge and smell is a problem that plagues countless women and can reoccur every few months. There are effective treatments for the condition that don't just mask the odor, they actually treat the problem and eliminate it. If you are tired of feeling self conscious and if you shy away from others because of your bad vaginal odor learn more about what you can do to fix the problem, from this informative site!

Is it Possible to Cure a Yeast Infection?

Yeast infection in children, men and female are very common and it costs the health care system about $1.8 billion each year in the United States. Almost 20% to 50% of women have Candida infection on their bodies.

In this article, you will learn various candida albicans symptoms, causes, latest development in medical science and natural cures for the same.

Georgetown University Medical Center successfully conducted a new genetic approach to improve treatment of fungal infections caused by the yeast Candida albicans. The test results found that inhibition of a protein produced by the Ssk1 gene makes triazole drugs which are currently used to treat Candida-related infections more effective.

Are over the counter creams, drugs & pills really effective?

Over the counter medicines only treat the symptoms and completely ignore the underlying causes of fungal infections. As a result, Candida can become resistant to medications over time and clinical management of the infected patient becomes a problem in this case.

yeast infection home remedies

Tea tree oil, garlic, yogurt, vinegar and honey are few most effective home cures.

What you should do for Candida albicans treatment

1. Use OTC drugs or creams to get temporary relief
2. Consult physician for prescription drugs
3. Follow natural cures to get fast and permanent relief because this is the quickest way to get rid of a yeast infection permanently.

How long does it take to recover from a recurring yeast infection?

It might take from few days to few moths based on type of infection. The best thing is preventing yeast infections by changing your life style and diet. You should avoid sugar in your diet and if you are diabetic, you need to control your sugar level.

I found an interesting case study of an ex yeast infection sufferer who suffered several years with chronic vaginal and intestinal yeast infections till she found simple step by step method to cure a vaginal yeast infection.

Natural Remedy Yeast Infection - You Need to Know This If You Want to Cure Your Yeast Infection

Yeast infection is a disease that is very common among women. This type of infection is caused when the number of candida fungus increase on a specific level. The vagina's acidity normally keeps the yeast level low. But with conditions such as diabetes, menstruation, pregnancy, birth control pills, and the likes, the acidity level may be distracted, thus the growth of yeast. To deal with this infection, here is a list of natural remedies to keep yourself safe.

Keep Yourself Dry - Especially the affected area, see to it that the area is dry before you change into your fresh dry clothes. This is to avoid any further development of yeast.

Things to Avoid - When suffering from yeast infection, it is advised that you stay away from tampons, deodorant sanitary pads, bubble baths, perfumes, and coloured toilet papers that are proven great causes of vaginal irritation.

Yogurt. Because of its high level of microorganisms that effectively stops growth of yeast, dip your tampon into yogurt before inserting it into your vagina. Do this procedure at least twice a day or until symptoms are no longer persistent.

You can also try using tea tree oil instead of yogurt for instant relief. Additionally, eat foods that are rich in Vitamin C like broccoli, citrus fruits, and potatoes. Also, a warm bath can help ease the pain of yeast infection. Just add half a cup of salt and half a cup of vinegar into warm water before you immerse yourself into your bath tub.

If you are suffering from an infection but is hesitant to see your doctor, you can always go for natural remedy yeast infection.